Zodiac signs

In the chart you can find the dates for each zodiac sign. We post the actual dates, which can be slightly different every year and also different from real dates based on the stellar theory (explanation below).

Mar 20.09:55 Apr 19.21:48
Apr 18.20:54 May 14.21:28
Apr 19.21:48 May 20.20:49
May 14.21:28 Jun 21.22:34
May 20.20:49 Jun 21.04:37
Jun 21.22:34 Jul 21.00:11
Jun 21.04:37 Jul 22.15:24
Jul 21.00:11 Aug 10.20:33
Jul 22.15:24 Aug 22.22:27
Aug 10.20:33 Sep 16.23:45
Aug 22.22:27 Sep 22.20:14
Sep 16.23:45 Nov 1.00:51
Sep 22.20:14 Oct 23.05:45
Nov 1.00:51 Nov 24.00:22
Oct 23.05:45 Nov 22.02:29
Nov 24.00:22 Dec 1.00:23
⛎ Ophiuchus
Dec 1.00:23 Dec 18.23:22
Nov 22.02:29 Dec 21.15:58
Dec 18.23:22 Jan 20.02:01
Dec 21.15:58 Jan 20.02:41
Jan 20.02:01 Feb 17.02:04
Jan 20.02:41 Feb 18.16:46
Feb 17.02:04 Mar 12.01:34
Feb 18.16:46 Mar 20.15:39
Mar 12.01:34 Apr 19.02:40

Our website always shows you the current date and the astronomical one as well which projects the position of an object according to its sign.

The foundations of the traditional astrology were laid approximately 3000 years ago. Babylonian writings then inspired the Greeks around the turn of the era and formed the zodiac into the way we know it today - twelve 30° divisions spread across the sky. The boundaries of particular zodiac sings are changeable only by the movement of the vernal equinox which comes from the fact that the beginning of Aries was always defined by the first spring day.

According to the traditional astrology, the zodiac signs have the same size, but it’s not true. For example, the area of Pisces is several times larger than the area of Aries. Furthermore, axial precession must be taken into consideration because it tilts the Earth’s axis which moves the zodiac itself. As a result, the beginnings of the zodiac signs are moved forward significantly and during the last few decades the thirteenth sign arose - Ophiuchus. The reason is simple, when the Greeks codified the zodiac consisting of twelve constellations 2150 years ago, they didn’t think of the movement that would occur in hundreds of years or the entering of stars, which used to stand aside, into our ecliptic plane. Therefore, an astronomical component of each planet’s location can be found in our calculations.

Mesarthim RA:1H54m Dec:19°22' Sheratan RA:1H56m Dec:20°53' Hamal RA:2H8m Dec:23°32' 41 Ari RA:2H51m Dec:27°20' omikron Tau RA:3H26m Dec:9°5' lambda Tau RA:4H2m Dec:12°32' Hyadum I RA:4H21m Dec:15°40' Hyadum II RA:4H24m Dec:17°35' Alcyone RA:3H48m Dec:24°9' Ain RA:4H30m Dec:19°13' tau Tau RA:4H43m Dec:22°59' Alnath RA:5H27m Dec:28°37' Aldebaran RA:4H37m Dec:16°32' theta Tau RA:4H30m Dec:15°54' zeta Tau RA:5H39m Dec:21°9' 1 Gem RA:6H5m Dec:23°16' Tejat Prior RA:6H16m Dec:22°30' Tejat Posterior RA:6H24m Dec:22°30' Mebsuta RA:6H45m Dec:25°7' v Gem RA:6H30m Dec:20°12' tau Gem RA:7H12m Dec:30°13' theta Gem RA:6H54m Dec:33°56' Castor RA:7H36m Dec:31°51' iota Gem RA:7H27m Dec:27°46' u Gem RA:7H37m Dec:26°52' Pollux RA:7H46m Dec:27°59' kappa Gem RA:7H45m Dec:24°21' Wasat RA:7H21m Dec:21°57' Mekbuda RA:7H5m Dec:20°33' Alhena RA:6H39m Dec:16°23' lambda Gem RA:7H19m Dec:16°31' Alzirr RA:6H46m Dec:12°53' Tarf RA:8H17m Dec:9°8' Acubens RA:8H59m Dec:11°48' Asellus Australis RA:8H46m Dec:18°6' Asellus Borealis RA:8H44m Dec:21°25' chi Cnc RA:8H21m Dec:27°10' iota Tau RA:8H48m Dec:28°42' Algenubi RA:9H47m Dec:23°42' Rasalas RA:9H54m Dec:25°56' Adhafera RA:10H18m Dec:23°20' Algieba RA:10H21m Dec:19°46' Al'dzhabkhakh RA:10H8m Dec:16°41' Regulus RA:10H9m Dec:11°53' Chertan RA:11H15m Dec:15°20' Denebola RA:11H50m Dec:14°29' Zosma RA:11H15m Dec:20°26' v Vir RA:11H47m Dec:6°26' Zaniah RA:12H21m Dec:0°-45' Porrima RA:12H42m Dec:-1°32' Auva RA:12H56m Dec:3°19' Vindemiatrix RA:13H3m Dec:10°52' Heze RA:13H36m Dec:0°-41' tau Vir RA:14H2m Dec:1°28' 109 Vir RA:14H47m Dec:1°50' Spica RA:13H26m Dec:-11°15' kappa Vir RA:14H14m Dec:-10°21' Syrma RA:14H17m Dec:-6°5' Rijl al Awwa RA:14H44m Dec:-5°44' Zubenelgenubi RA:14H52m Dec:-16°6' Zubeneschamali RA:15H18m Dec:-9°27' Zuben Elakrab RA:15H37m Dec:-14°51' theta Lib RA:15H55m Dec:-16°47' sigma Lib RA:15H5m Dec:-25°21' Acrab RA:16H6m Dec:-19°51' Dschubba RA:16H1m Dec:-22°40' pi Sco RA:16H0m Dec:-26°10' Antares RA:16H30m Dec:-26°28' Alniyat RA:16H37m Dec:-28°15' epsilon Sco RA:16H51m Dec:-34°19' mi Sco RA:16H53m Dec:-38°4' Grafias RA:16H56m Dec:-42°23' eta Sco RA:17H13m Dec:-43°16' Girtab RA:17H38m Dec:-43°0' iota Sco RA:17H49m Dec:-40°8' kappa Sco RA:17H44m Dec:-39°2' Shaula RA:17H35m Dec:-37°7' 2 Sgr RA:17H49m Dec:-27°50' Alnasl RA:18H7m Dec:-30°25' Kaus Australis RA:18H25m Dec:-34°22' eta Sgr RA:18H19m Dec:-36°45' Kaus Media RA:18H22m Dec:-29°49' Kaus Borealis RA:18H29m Dec:-25°25' Polis RA:18H15m Dec:-21°3' fi Sgr RA:18H47m Dec:-26°58' Ascella RA:19H4m Dec:-29°51' Nunki RA:18H56m Dec:-26°17' tau Sgr RA:19H8m Dec:-27°39' ksi Sgr RA:18H59m Dec:-21°5' Manubrij RA:19H6m Dec:-21°43' d Sgr RA:19H19m Dec:-18°55' ro Sgr RA:19H23m Dec:-17°49' h Sgr RA:19H37m Dec:-24°41' Terebellum II RA:19H58m Dec:-27°8' Terebellum IV RA:20H4m Dec:-27°40' theta Sgr RA:20H1m Dec:-35°14' iota Sgr RA:19H56m Dec:-41°49' Rukbat RA:19H25m Dec:-40°35' beta Sgr RA:19H24m Dec:-44°46' alfa Cap RA:20H19m Dec:-12°30' Dabih RA:20H22m Dec:-14°44' psi Cap RA:20H47m Dec:-25°13' theta Cap RA:21H7m Dec:-17°10' iota Cap RA:21H23m Dec:-16°46' zeta Cap RA:21H28m Dec:-22°20' Nashira RA:21H41m Dec:-16°35' Deneb Algedi RA:21H48m Dec:-16°3' omega Cap RA:20H53m Dec:-26°51' Albali RA:20H49m Dec:-9°26' mi Aqr RA:20H54m Dec:-8°55' Sadalsuud RA:21H32m Dec:-5°30' Sadalmelik RA:22H7m Dec:0°-14' Ancha RA:22H18m Dec:-7°42' e Aqr RA:22H11m Dec:-11°29' iota Aqr RA:22H7m Dec:-13°47' sigma Aqr RA:22H32m Dec:-10°36' tau Aqr RA:22H50m Dec:-13°30' Skat RA:22H56m Dec:-15°44' c Aqr RA:23H10m Dec:-21°5' Sadachbia RA:22H22m Dec:-1°18' zeta Aqr RA:22H30m Dec:0°4' eta Aqr RA:22H36m Dec:0°-2' gama Aqr RA:22H53m Dec:-7°30' psi Aqr RA:23H17m Dec:-9°0' 94 Aqr RA:23H20m Dec:-13°22' b Aqr RA:23H24m Dec:-20°0' gama Psc RA:23H18m Dec:3°22' kappa Psc RA:23H28m Dec:1°21' lambda Psc RA:23H43m Dec:1°52' iota Psc RA:23H41m Dec:5°43' theta Psc RA:23H29m Dec:6°28' omega Psc RA:24H0m Dec:6°57' d Psc RA:24H21m Dec:8°17' delta Psc RA:24H50m Dec:7°40' epsilon Psc RA:25H4m Dec:7°59' mi Psc RA:25H31m Dec:6°14' v Psc RA:25H42m Dec:5°37' ksi Psc RA:25H54m Dec:3°16' Alrisha RA:26H3m Dec:2°50' Torcularis Septentrionalis RA:25H46m Dec:9°14' Kullat Nunu RA:25H32m Dec:15°26' fi Psc RA:25H15m Dec:24°40' sigma Psc RA:25H4m Dec:31°54' u Psc RA:25H20m Dec:27°21'