Gemini Horoscope
Comunicative and polite character with sense of humour and creativity
Daily horoscope - Gemini
The fact that sometimes you are overcome by anxiety or nervousness is nothing unexpected. You carry too big burden on your shoulders. If you don’t intend to slow down your pace of life, find at least few moments to take a deep breath.
If you are not in the mood for intimacy you don’t have to blame yourself and despair. You can enjoy nice evening as a pair other ways too.
Plan a party. You have yearned for some fun a long time now and what is more, this is a great opportunity to meet friends.
Don’t be afraid of preventive examination. At least once a year you should complete it and it won’t take much time.
Gemini Characteristic:
People born under the sign of Gemini are very interested in learning new things, that's why they seem to have general knowledge even if most of it is superficial. They love to discover and if they find something deserving of notice they pay attention to it. They see meanings even where the others don't. Neither aversion nor negative comments of other people can discourage their desire for investigation and exploration. Gemini listens to others' objections just to form their own opinion. Others' opinions aren't in essence important for them, which is why they don't impose their own ideas on anybody. They can sometimes seem as phlegmatic people but inside they live out sometimes in terrible stress.
They suffer a lot from loneliness because, they have feeling that everything is slipping through their fingers. However, they relate very easily and naturally to new people. They have a great memory for experiences and impressions. They're very dangerous opponents because of their dialectic capabilities, great memory and cold feelings. Most important for them is the freedom of movement and action which they provide to others too. They give up in hopeless moments when it's obvious who the winner is.
Gemini excels at war of word, but they try to avoid other kinds of fight. They're not ashamed of creaming off the best for themselves as well as of slanders and dishonest behaviour.
The vice of Gemini is immaturity and restlessness because they are unsure of themselves and they change their mind very often. They aren't able to convince the others, but just comment on a situation. Due to this the others have to listen to them and to try to understand them. They suffer from big ups and downs in their life: they reach the best results during good constellation of stars. On the contrary, during bad constellation of stars they succumb to inferiority complex.
In relationships, Gemini is relatively a bad partner because their feelings aren't deep. They often have several relationships at the same time, that's why they are very tolerant. They need a lot of space and freedom which they provide also to their partner.
As for career, we can observe the consequences of their instability and superficiality. This is the reason they're not into any profession which require too much effort and concentration.