Tarf RA:8H17m Dec:9°8' Acubens RA:8H59m Dec:11°48' Asellus Australis RA:8H46m Dec:18°6' Asellus Borealis RA:8H44m Dec:21°25' chi Cnc RA:8H21m Dec:27°10' iota Tau RA:8H48m Dec:28°42'

Cancer Horoscope

Emotional but responsive character, moody and reserved

Horoscope 2024

may 2024  |  june 2024

Daily horoscope - Cancer

Stop talking about what you would really like to change but support your words with action. Your friends might have said that you couldn’t do it, so prove them wrong!

Use the patronage of stars for demanding projects. Now is the right time to come up with an idea and shine.

Try to spend more time outside in the nature rather than at home watching TV or staring into computer.

It doesn’t look go great right now. This is just not your day.

Horoscope tomorrow >>

Cancer Characteristic:

This water sign is associated to Moon. People born under this sign, are very sensitive and their main values are related to family. Cancerian doesn't need to fight and win, they're most of the time daydreaming, sentimental, with a lot of fantasies, that's why they can't be leaders of enterprise. They feel very good in their family circle or with their close friends. However, it takes them more time to approach new people.

People born under this sign, are not selfish and they always try hard to help their friends. They're not enthusiastic employees because they have inclination to comfort. They compensate this by their understanding and good memory. They don't like to give up their plans and that's why they try continually to make them real which can lead to unscrupulousness in their behaviour. Cancerian tries to avoid disputes and troubles, which leads to postponement of resolving the problems.

Their vices particularly are instability, restlessness and fluidity. Cancerian love changes, they can't stay for a long time in one place and they change their opinions often. However, they do it from some internal need. The instability is also demonstrated by their moodiness. They can be very selfish to foreign people. They suffer mostly from their impatience which drives them desperate.

As for love and marriage, moodiness and anxiety don't make the situation easier. You can't count on their fidelity because they care and sometimes become affectionate with people who are sympathetic to them.

Due to their instability, they search for their dream profession for a long time. They always need good motivation and enthusiasm. However, after some time they can get bored by their work and they don't have a problem in changing their employment if they don't feel satisfied. The best type of employment for them is where they have certain freedom.