Horoscope tomorrow - Sagittarius

Sometimes a white lie is really unavoidable measure. If you do it for the right thing and you can manage to properly justify your actions, then it is okay. But be careful, you are on the thin ice.

Members of your family maybe don’t understand your lifestyle and they will try to talk you out of it. Don’t get upset, you know they mean well.

Visit some workshop. If you are afraid of being alone take a good friend with you.

Feel free to get up earlier and go jogging or do some fitness sets. You will see the changes very soon.

<< Sagittarius / Daily horoscope

Moon in Libra
May 18.12:23 - May 21.00:35
May 18.
Moon in Scorpio
May 21.01:35 - May 23.10:25
May 21.

There’s this social energy these days. The thing you long for is admiration, but some kind of appreciation from other people as well. When reaching your goals, you try to go along with everybody, but sometimes, you just subconsciously become flattering and obtrusive which could really have a negative impact on your reputation...

The energy these days is full of emotion. Therefore, we often behave impulsively and jealously, especially when we feel threatened. It can be understood as some kind of a defense mechanism coming out from our subconsciousness...