New moons 2024/2025

In this arranged chart of new moons for the year 2024/2025 you can look up the exact date and time when single new moons will occur this year. Additionally, you can find which zodiac sign exactly is influenced by the New moon the most and thus you can easily trace when your big day, when it comes to energy, will be.

New moons 2024/2025

Following the chart below - for the new moon 2024/2025 - is also very important in terms of your health. Don't let anything surprise you and keep reading the article.

Oct 2. 2024  20:50Libra   10°59 '
Nov 1. 2024  13:48Scorpio   10°04 '
Dec 1. 2024  07:22Sagittarius   40 '
Dec 30. 2024  23:27Capricorn   33 '
Jan 29. 2025  13:37Aquarius   34 '
Feb 28. 2025  01:46Pisces   37 '
Mar 29. 2025  12:00Aries   33 '
Apr 27. 2025  21:33Taurus   04 '
May 27. 2025  05:04Gemini   56 '
Jun 25. 2025  12:33Cancer   11 '
Jul 24. 2025  21:12Leo   06 '
Aug 23. 2025  08:07Virgo   02 '
Sep 21. 2025  21:54Libra   20 '

Full moons, new moons and our health

For the sake of your health, it is essential to be familiar with these dates. You will discover: the most appropriate times to use quantum homeopathy, as well as times to avoid it. The phases of the moon also influence one’s dependency or even addiction to Psychotropic substances, before the full moon it is therefore best to stay clear of any addictive substances. On the other hand, the new moon weakens the negative effects of drugs; nevertheless it is undeniable to say that drugs are always harmful.

The new moon and the first quarter

We observe the phases of the new moon if the sun, moon, and earth are in line. It is then and only then that the sun rays only shine on the dark side of the moon hence making the moon appear dark, invisible. The sun overshadows the moon because it is in close proximity to this bright star. The earliest we can, yet again, observe it is two days after the new moon. The moon gradually gains the shape of a small curve eventually grows into a “D” shape.

The moon has the “D” shape in the first quarter, when the angle between the moon and the sun is exactly 90°. After the full moon, it continues to the last quarter and it is said to recede. Its shape resembles the letter C.

Solar Eclipse

A very special phenomenon which only occurs during a new moon is called a Solar Eclipse. In reality it is a mere coincidence that the angular diameters of the sun and the moon, as seen from Earth, interfere and therefore cover each other from time to time. It can be observed as both complete and annular eclipse.

New moon 2024/2025 from the astronomical perspective

New moon is the opposite of a full moon, transferring from an opposition to a conjunction the sun and moon both lie in the same sign. Despite the fact that it is a very positive time with regards to physical and mental well being, it is inevitable that some individuals might experience certain difficulties.  It is for this reason that medical intervention should be avoided. Although surgeries do not pose any particular risk.